Eagle Heights


As the people of Eagle Heights strive to glorify God together by trusting and obeying Jesus in all of life for the rest of life, several distinctives make Eagle Heights the church it is and the church we are striving to be through God’s strength.
We preach & listen through books of the Bible.
We do this because we are convinced that all of God’s word is inspired by the Holy Spirit. For this reason, God’s word is authoritative and profitable for salvation and every good work.
(Psalm 119; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

We value & emphasize local church commitment.
Jesus commanded that we love His body and Church. When we trust, obey, and love Jesus by loving our local church, we are displaying the gospel to the world, and the Holy Spirit uses our commitment to shape us into the image and likeness of Jesus for God’s glory.
(John 13:34-35; 14:15)
We champion & support like-minded ministries & missions partners.
Every Christian and church should do their part to engage the mission of Jesus to preach the gospel and plant churches among every tribe, tongue, and nation. We provide comprehensive support to our missionaries and partnership ministers.
(Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 13-14; Romans 15:14-33)

We embrace that we are in a university micropolitan.
Stillwater is a small town with a major university.  We plan accordingly around semesters, embracing university students and their stage of life. University students are a major component of the life of Eagle Heights.
(1 Corinthians 9:19-23)

We strongly encourage multi-generational community.
We believe that one of the greatest gifts we have to offer to one another is our life experience under the authority of God’s word. Regardless of age, we all have something to offer to help build up the body of Jesus Christ.
(Titus 2:1-8; 1 John 2:12-14)