The Eagle Heights Residency exists to train men and women in the church by teaching theology, practical ministry, and patterns of discipline & service with the goal that they would be better prepared to glorify God in future faithful ministry.

What is it?...
The Eagle Heights Residency is an intensive year-long program where the participants ("residents"):
  • Are mentored by the Minister of Families, Youth, and Residency and also by guest teachers that are experts in their fields
  • Meet for 15 weeks during both the Fall & Spring semesters (The residency runs from August - May)
  • Meet once a week for about 3 hours to discuss assigned readings to study through:
    • Ecclesiology (doctrine of the church)
    • Personal holiness
    • Biblical, systematic, historical, & practical theology
  • Students can earn up to 15 hours of Seminary Credit through Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary or The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for completing the program
  • For more information, open/download the course syllabus (link below)
Who is allowed to apply?...
  • Applicants must be an Eagle Heights member for at least 6 months prior to start of program
  • Applicants must have been a member by February of the year of the program
  • Eagle Heights does reserve the right to make exceptions when necessary
What is the application process?...
  • Applicants will fill out the Eagle Heights Residency Application (link below), print, & turn in to the church office by March 6 for the residency that starts the following fall
  • Applicants then  will have an interview with the Minister of Families, Youth, and Residency as well as an Eagle Heights elder
  • Applicants are contacted by May 1 to confirm they were accepted into the residency.

Questions about the residency?